
Track your Income and Expenses with Ease

SpendTrack is a comprehensive mobile application that enables users to easily track their income and expenses. The solution uses AI/ML algorithms to read all bank SMS since inception and analyse and classify them based on transaction type, date, bank name, and merchant name for every user.

SpendTrack - Track your Income and Expenses with Ease by Aptus Data Labs

Benefits and Important features of SpendTrack

SpendTrack is the ultimate solution to easily track and categorize your income and expenses. Therefore, with automated SMS classification, payment reminders, and easy-to-use mobile and dashboard apps, you can take control of your finances. Moreover, with that you can make informed decisions about your spending.

AI/ML Algorithms and Analytics for Intelligent Supply Chain Planning

Comprehensive Spend Analysis

With SpendTrack, users can easily analyse their income and expenses across various categories, giving them visibility into their spending habits and helping them make more informed financial decisions.

Integrated Planning Data Models with Data Mapping

Automated SMS Classification

SpendTrack's AI/ML algorithms automatically classify bank SMS based on transaction type, date, bank name, and merchant name, making it easy for users to keep track of their spending without manual effort.

Auto Forecast with Complete Batch Scheduling

Payment Reminders

SpendTrack includes a payment reminders tab to remind users of pending dues, along with the due date and payment link, helping them stay on top of their bills and avoid late fees.

Simulation and 'What-If' Analysis for Best Scenario Planning

Categorical and Merchant-Wise Classification

SpendTrack categorizes transactions based on predefined categories, making it easy for users to understand their spending habits and identify areas for improvement. It also maps merchant names with predefined categories for more accurate classification.

Manage Internal and External Influencing Parameters

Mobile App and Dashboard

SpendTrack includes a mobile app for users to track their spending on the go, and a dashboard for admins to analyze and evaluate data.

Advanced Technology for Personal Finance Management using SpendTrack

Our innovative product, SpendTrack utilizes cutting-edge AI/ML algorithms. Additionally, our mobile app fetches and categorizes users’ bank transactional and payment due SMS. Additionally, this data is stored in a master data warehouse, enabling users to view categorized income and expenses. Furthermore, Kafka, as a message broker, speeds up data processing. Lastly, an access control list simplifies admin client management.

Advanced Technology for Personal Finance Management
Categorical Classification and Merchant-Wise Classification

Categorical Classification and Merchant-Wise Classification using SpendTrack

Our solution offers categorical and merchant-wise classification, providing users with insights into income and expenses across various categories like shopping, travel, entertainment, and more. Additionally, the mobile app displays the total transaction sum within the selected date range. Furthermore, a payment reminders tab helps users keep track of pending dues with due dates, payment links. The admin dashboard facilitates client and user management, as well as data classification from SMS.

Unique Architecture and Measurable Impact using SpendTrack

SpendTrack features a unique architecture comprising the web app, Android app, and SDK. Users authenticate via the middleware/authentication layer and create a client profile. Notably, each organization receives a unique secret key for client use, which generates tokens for the client’s users in the SDK. Therefore, the ML engine utilizes named entity recognition (NER) to predict merchant names and due dates from payment reminder SMS which is accessible to Android users and the Web App Portal.

Unique Architecture and Measurable Impact

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