
AI-Powered Document Evaluation Application

Our AI-powered automated document evaluation application is designed to automate the document evaluation process for clinical experiments, papers, and other varieties of documents. Furthermore, it provides a scalable solution that conforms to GxP compliance standards and eliminates the need for manual efforts.


AI-Powered Document Evaluation Application

Our AI-powered automated document evaluation application is designed to automate the document evaluation process for clinical experiments, papers, and other varieties of documents. Furthermore, it provides a scalable solution that conforms to GxP compliance standards and eliminates the need for manual efforts.

Benefits and Important features of AptCheck

Our AI-powered document evaluation application is a game-changer for organizations that use IT services in their companies. Additionally, it provides a scalable and automated solution that improves productivity. Furthermore, it eliminates manual efforts and conforms to industry standards. Our application helps organizations improve efficiency, accuracy, and compliance furthermore by automating the evaluation process and providing valuable insights into the quality of documents or tasks.

AI/ML Algorithms and Analytics for Intelligent Supply Chain Planning

Improved productivity and accuracy by eliminating manual efforts

Integrated Planning Data Models with Data Mapping

Conforms to industry GxP compliance standards

Auto Forecast with Complete Batch Scheduling

Removes human subjectivity while evaluating the quality of documents

Simulation and 'What-If' Analysis for Best Scenario Planning

Scalable and automated document evaluation process

Manage Internal and External Influencing Parameters

User-friendly interface and statistical dashboard

Turbo Data Preparation for Unstructured External Parameters

Uses cutting-edge NLP technologies to generate document evaluation scores automatically and accurately

Scalable and Automated Document Evaluation

Our AI-powered document evaluation application is designed to read and process a wide variety of documents using cutting-edge NLP technologies. Moreover, these technologies include Summarization, Customized NER, Document Similarity, Zero Short Learning, Question and answering models, and other NLP technologies. This robust architecture generates document evaluation scores automatically and accurately. Furthermore, it conforms to industry GxP compliance standards, eliminating manual efforts and improving productivity.

Scalable and Automated Checklist Scoring
User Interface and Dashboard for QA Document Scoring

User Interface and Dashboard of AptCheck

The user interface of our application is built on React, providing a top-notch user experience. Furthermore, our statistical dashboard uses various types of graphs to display progress and results. Therefore, users can upload documents and attachments, review, update scores, and approve or reject documents. Additionally, they can download a scorecard from the application for the report. 

Unlock the Potential of Data Science with Aptus Data Labs

Don't wait to harness the power of data science - contact Aptus Data Labs today and start seeing results.

Get In touch with our  Experts

Are you planning to take your business to the next level with data science? We invite you to connect with us today to schedule a consultation. Our team will work with you, to assess your current data landscape and develop a customized solution that will help you gain valuable insights and drive growth.